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sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2010


A series of personal set-backs and changes will probably mean I won't be able to finnish the aformentioned 2010 demo for a few months yet, but hey, it will happen sooner or later.
Concerning things that WILL happen I'm very happy and excited to announce the second phase of my album recordings will take place from March 2nd onwards at AMP Studio, in Viana do Castelo, and again under Paulo Miranda's exciting supervision :) Some great production ideas are coming together and a few very special guests will be dropping by and contributing, so as you can imagine (if you know me) I'm feeling gooooooooood hehe
Meanwhile I've finally come across some pictures of me and the guys live at the Ant3na Party @ Copacabana in November last year, so here's the few I have. Again to all who came along and supported us, thank you!

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